Collapsed text is represented by a grey line.
In PowerPoint, hides all but the title of selected slides. To collapse a single slide position the cursor anywhere in the slide you want to collapseĢ) Double click the slide icon (this is a toggle)Ĥ) Using the shortcut key (Alt + Shift -)Ĭollapse - In Word, hides body text and subheadings of a selected heading, one level at a time. This is very useful for long presentations that contain a large number of slides. PowerPoint allows you to collapse the outline so that only slide titles are displayed. There are two ways to collapse and expand either a selection at a time or everything at once. You can specify exactly which levels should be expanded and which should be collapsed. When you collapse the outline only the top-level headings are displayed, all the others are hidden. By default the entire outline is expanded so all text is visible.Ĭollapsing the entire outline can help you see the bugger picture when you have a large number of slides.